Curiosity Stream

Curiosity Stream

Delivery Method: Email

Gift the perfect gift, with thousands of documentaries on demand. Gift cards are one time use electronic codes that are redeemable for 12 months of either the high definition or premium 4K CuriosityStream service.

You may redeem your gift card by visiting and following the instructions on the page. When you redeem your gift card, you will need to create a CuriosityStream account and accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Once redeemed and activated, the Gift Card is void. Your purchased length of service will not begin until your gift card is redeemed. Once the gifted subscription lapses, a new subscription must be purchased or your account will be cancelled.

Gift cards will not be replaced if lost, stolen, deleted, destroyed, or used without your permission. Gift cards are non-refundable and cannot be returned, transferred, or redeemed for cash, except in states where cash redemptions are required or allowed by law. Gift Cards do not expire and are not subject to any transaction fees.

Gift cards are issued by CuriosityStream Inc., 8484 Georgia Ave., Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910. When you purchase, receive or redeem a Gift Card, you agree that the laws of the State of Maryland, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these terms.

For full Terms & Conditions, please visit